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About The Project

Wolfe Tone Park

Residents living around Wolfe Tone Park have witnessed the demise of the area through neglect and mismanagement by Dublin City Council and event organisers. In particular, the redevelopment of the space in 2001 that retained only some of the original lawn area. The remaining lawn was removed after a month-long event in 2006.
The Wolfe Tone Park Community is committed to campaigning for the restoration of Wolfe Tone Park (Square) and surrounding streets for the benefit of local residents and visitors to the area.

  Full Restoration of Wolfe Tone Park as a non-commercial green space  (c.2016)

  Protect the park from commercial targeting  (on-going)

  Protect the park from DCC/BID 'Tram Cafe' proposal  (on-going)

  Monitor any proposals or plans for the park  (on-going)

  Inclusion of Park Restoration in Dublin City Draft Development Plan 2016-2022  (16-Sept-15)

  Prevent commercial vehicles from parking in the public space (21-Dec-15)

  Secure the Park Status of Wolfe Tone Park (not Square) (21-Dec-15)

  Prevent amplified music festivals taking place in the park  (01-Nov-15)

  Removal of DCC 'mobile' staff toilets from west side of the park  (15-Oct-15)

  Removal of BID/DublinTown kiosks from within the park  (01-Oct-15)

  Removal of commercial furniture from within the park  (10-Nov-15)

  Prevent Dublin City Council vehicles from vandalising old tombstones around the park  (16-Sept-15)

  Establish direct contact with DCC management regarding park condition & neglect  (01-July-15)


Objection To Live Event

September 4th - 22nd, 2015

As predicted, this three-week event was a nuisance to residents on Jervis Street & Wolfe Tone Street. Some verified member comments can be read here.

Dublin Fringe Festival Ltd Spiegeltent Noise Pollution

The following noise values were recorded within the apartments adjacent to the DFF Spiegeltent in Wolfe Tone Park.

Sample Date: Sat 9/19/2015
Sampling Rate:1
@ 9/19/2015 11:30:01 PM
@ 9/19/2015 11:31:30 PM



Local feedback can be read here

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